Archivi Portfolio - Antica Torino
Antica Torino nasce per proporre vini, liquori e distillati tradizionali del Piemonte, risalendo alle loro ricette originali e riscoprendo così sapori di nicchia spesso dimenticati.
vermouth, antica torino, liquori pregiati, vermouth rosso,
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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]   - 30 ml Antica Torino Vermouth Rosso, - 30 ml Gin - 1 Bsp Maraschino - Bitter Orange drops - Mix and strain – cocktail glass – twist of lemon peel. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

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Hanky Panky

Originating in 1920 at the Caffè Casoni in Florence for Conte Negroni, a lover of gin, this cocktail is bitter but with sweet notes and a splendid rosé shade....

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Created by DottIain Marshall at the Manhattan Club in New York City in 1870, in honour of the presidential candidate Samuel J. Tilden. ...

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El Presidente

Fu creato da Eddie Woelke presso il Jockey Club di Cuba nel 1925, in onore del presidente Gerardo Machado....

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Actually a Perfect Martini with the addition of orange juice. It was entered in third place in the book “The World’s10 Most Famous Cocktails in 1934”, after Martini and Manhattan....

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This is attributed to Erskine Guynne, an American writer who published the monthly magazine “Boulevardier” in Paris from 1927 to 1932....

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Originating in 1920 at the Caffè Casoni in Florence for Conte Negroni, a lover of gin, this cocktail is bitter but with sweet notes and a splendid rosé shade....

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